Methane Leak Detection, Quantification & Localization by drone
Methane is a powerful greehouse gas and its fugitive emissions in
Oil & Gas and Biogas industries are a challenge in term of cost, accident risk and impact on the environment.
Asman Technology, Oil and Gas Technologies, Pergam and Sierra Olympic Technologies Inc, rpartners of INNOVIDEA , are proposing several solutions specifically designed for Oil & Gas or Biogas critical assets inspection:
- Optical Gas Imaging (OGI) cameras module specifically designed for UAV or aerial platform
- ATEX portable or fixed OGI camera
- TDLAS spectrometer for UAV
- Turnkey aerial solution with light aircraft or UAV for long elongation gas pipeline inspection or for critical facilities such as gas compression station or LNG terminal or gas storage tank, biogas plant, waste fields…

Regulating Pine Procesionary Population
The accelerating invasion of Pine Processionary (moth) in Europe is causing a challenge for public health. The urticating hairs of the caterpillars can be harmful for human and pets. Centre Drone Système Industriel CDSI, INNOVIDEA’s partner has developped and homologated with INRA and Fredon a dedicated payload and procedure for targeted treatment on cocoons by drone. Liquid is injected inside the cocoon hence more respectful of local environment and offering better efficiency than method based upon spraying or pulverisation.