Illumination source

µLight Gen II transmission light source is composed of 59 pixels adjustable in color and intensity
The µLight product package comes with µLight Gen II light source, its controller with remote control system and its software. It allows user to control individual pixels for observing in conventional techniques mode (brightfield, darkfield, phase contrast) and more advanced (differential phase contrast, Rheinberg, anomal phase contrast, Fourier Ptycography…)
Altamira Kit
The Altamira kit consists of a programmable strutures illumination source (µLight Gen II), a 3Mpixels camera and an acquisition software (Altamira). It allows user to control individual pixels for observing in conventional techniques mode (brightfield, darkfield, phase contrast) and more advanced (differential phase contrast, Rheinberg, anomal phase contrast, Fourier Ptycography…). Altamira can be installedin the place of condenser lens in following microscopes amongst other.
Brand | Models |
Leica | DML upright |
Leitz | Laborlux upright |
Nikon | Eclipse upright and inverted |
Olympus | BX upright and IX inverted |
Realux | K5 500 |
Zeiss | Axioskop upright |